Understanding our funds

See below for a deeper understanding of how our funds are structured to yield higher returns.

CC Sage Capital Equity Plus Fund

CC Sage Capital Equity Plus Fund

An Australian equity active extension long short strategy that takes both long and short positions where the proceeds from the short positions are reinvested in long positions to retain exposure to the equity market.

The Fund aims to achieve positive returns in excess of the S&P/ASX 200 Accumulation Index, after fees and expenses, over the long term by taking both long and short positions in selected Australian shares. The Fund will typically hold between 100-120 positions.
Fund Facts
Investment Objective* The Fund aims to achieve positive returns in excess of the Fund Benchmark, after fees and expenses, over the long term by taking both long positions and short positions in selected Australian shares.
Fund Benchmark S&P/ASX200 Accumulation Index
Investment Strategy The Fund uniquely blends fundamental and quantitative strategies to develop opportunities that generate return. This strategy generates concentrated and uncorrelated returns from fundamental investing, improving on returns derived from the breadth of the quantitative process.
Investment Guidelines#
Asset Class Range
Australian equities (long) 90% – 150%
Australian equities (short) 0% – 50%
Australian equities (net) 90% – 100%
Cash and cash equivalents 0% – 10%
Derivatives 0% – 10%
Minimum Initial Investment $100,000^
Pricing Priced daily
Distribution* Semi-annually at 31 December and 30 June.
Borrowings* The Fund will borrow stock to enable short positions as part of the investment strategy. The Fund will not borrow cash.

* An investment in the Fund is subject to risk. Neither return nor distributions are able to be guaranteed. You should consider the risks of the Fund, including those in the PDS, before investing.

# Due to movements in the market or similar events, the guidelines set out above may not be adhered to from time to time. In these circumstances, Sage Capital will seek to bring the Fund’s investments back within the guidelines within a reasonable period of time.

^ Or less at the discretion of the Responsible Entity.

Research Ratings

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Application Price
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Invest with us

CC Sage Capital Equity Plus Fund

Important Documents
Product Disclosure Statement (PDS) and Application Form
Target Market Determination (TMD)
Fact Sheet
RG 240 Annual Disclosure - Class A
RG 240 Annual Disclosure - Class C
Annual Financial Statements - 30 June 2024
Additional Application Form
Change of Details Form
Withdrawal Form
Continuous Disclosure and Updates
Public Notice - Change of Auditor Confirmation - 30 July 2024
Investor Notices - PDS Updates - Class A
Investor Notices - PDS Updates - Class C

This information is provided by the Investment Manager, Sage Capital Pty Ltd ACN 632 839 877 AR No. 001276472 (‘Sage Capital’). Channel Investment Management Limited ACN 163 234 240 AFSL 439007 (‘CIML’) is the Responsible Entity and issuer of units in the CC Sage Capital Equity Plus Fund ARSN 634 148 913 (‘the Fund’). This information should not be considered advice or a recommendation to investors or potential investors in relation to holding, purchasing or selling units in the Fund and does not take into account your particular investment objectives, financial situation or needs. Past performance is not indicative of future performance. Before acting on any information you should consider the appropriateness of the information having regard to these matters, any relevant offer document and in particular, you should seek independent financial advice. For further information and before investing, please read the Product Disclosure Statement available from www.sagecap.com.au and www.channelcapital.com.au.